The TKS spacecraft (Russian: Транспортный корабль снабжения, Transportnyi Korabl’ Snabzheniia, Transport Supply Spacecraft) was a Soviet spacecraft conceived in the late 1960s for resupply flights to the military Almaz space station. Variants of this spacecraft flew four times, always launching uncrewed, including missions to the Salyut-6 and Salyut-7 space stations in the early 1980s.
The Functional Cargo Block (FGB) contains the main engines, solar panels and living and cargo space, as well as a docking port. Later evolutions of the FGB were used as space tugs and as space station modules on Mir and the ISS.
The Return Capsule (VA) carries up to three cosmonauts, with a hatch in the heat shield providing crew access to the FGB. The VA is reusable. At the front of the VA is a Propulsion Module used to return the VA to Earth. On launch, an escape tower is attached to the front of the Propulsion Module (not modelled here).
The model is built in Blender. All texture files are packed in the .blend. The solar arrays are rigged so that rotating the innermost panel will deploy/retract the rest of the array. Only one set of solar arrays in modelled, being mirrored to show both sets.
Other file formats (FBX, OBJ) use the image textures in TKS Textures.zip. These are for two materials: one for the FGB, one for everything else. Images for diffuse, emission, metalness, normal and roughness are included. The windows have been included as separate objects, so you can either apply your own glass material or use the black/glossy default. If you use the default, you won't be able to see the 'lightbox' interiors that use the emission material to create an illusion of the inside of the ship.