A Sentinel-class landing craft, also known as a Sentinel-class shuttle or Imperial landing craft, was a large-scale troop transport utilized by the Galactic Empire. Designed by Sienar Fleet Systems in the shape of its cousin, the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, this larger, more spacious shuttle was primarily used to ferry a complement of 75 stormtroopers into battle - 55 more troops than the Lambda-class. The ship featured three wings: one stationary center foil and two articulated flanking wings
Number of polygons in triangles: Polygons - 237,455 Vertices - 133,029Comes with 3 file formats 3ds max 2021 (original file) .fbx .obj
This version of the model comes with lighting and materials (textures) for 3ds max 2021, using the Corona 5 render. I make no guarantees that these materials, lighting and textures will work with other software. If you don't agree with this, then you shouldn't buy this model. All renders included with this product are made exclusively in 3ds max 2021, using the Corona 5 render without using any third-party software.All files necessary for rendering are included with the model in a .rar file