Before switching to a capsule at NASA's guidance, Lockheed's original 2004-era proposal for the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) was a lifting body spaceplane. It would've been coupled with an ATV/MPLM-derived Mission Module, and Service Module based on Widebody Centaur (also known as ICES, which would become ACES and finally Centaur V).
A dual-launch mission profile using two Atlas V Phase 2 rockets was planned for lunar missions. The first launch, on an Atlas V Phase 2 Heavy, carried the Mission Module and Service Module to Low Earth Orbit. The second stage, also a Widebody Centaur, would remain attached to perform the trans-lunar injection burn. The second launch, of a single-core AVP2, would carry the Crew Module, which would then dock to the MM/SM/Centaur stack. TLI would be performed by a combination of the Centaur second stage and the Service Module, which would also perform lunar orbtial insertion and trans-Earth injection. For Earth-orbital missions, only the Crew Module would be flown
All materials and textures are packed into the .blend file. Unapplied modifiers and instancing have been used to reduce file size and enable easy editing.
Jan 1 2021: Initial upload
Mar 26 2022: Total remodel of the Crew Module, minor material changes to the Service Module