2019 UpdateThe JEMK module has been improved following the release of my ISS model. Improvements include: better foil texture, improved panel design and cleaner model.
The Japanese Experiment Module Kibo is a module on International Space Station.
NASA describes the module as the following:
The Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), known as “Kibo” (pronounced keybow), which means “hope” in Japanese, is Japan’s human-rated space facility and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA’s) first contribution to the ISS program.Kibo was designed and developed with a view to conducting scientific research activities on orbit. Thus, as a part of the ISS, Kibo provides extensive opportunities for utilization of the space environment performing experimental activities. Resources necessary for Kibo’s on-orbit operation, such as air, power, data, and cooling fluid, are provided from the U.S. segment of the ISS. Currently, educational, cultural, and commercial uses of Kibo are also planned.
The model is made up from seven material sets. ExtensionExtensionTopMainBodyPanelsOnePanelsTwoPanelsTopRobotArm
Each has six main maps each at 4096x4096: BaseColor Height Metallic Roughness Normal AmbientOcclusion