First Lunar Outpost was a proposal for a crewed lunar mission that would have launched sometime in the 2010s, as part of the Space Exploration Inititative. This lander would have been used to transport up to four astronauts to the lunar surface and back to Earth. Unlike most proposed lunar landers, no separate capsule was required for the Earth-to-orbit and reentry phases of the mission; the reentry capsule is an integral part of the lander and directly ascends from the lunar surface back to Earth, without rendezvous and docking. The capsule is a slightly upscaled derivative of the Apollo Command Module. A three-engine hypergolic ascent stage is used for Earth return, and the descent stage is powered by four RL10 hydrolox engines
A cargo variant was also planned, replacing the ascent stage with a deck to support habitats, rovers, or other large payloads.
All materials and textures are packed in the .blend file. Unapplied modifiers and instancing have been used to reduce file size and enable easy editing. A zip of image textures is also included for use in other software. The landing legs, ladder, and antenna are articulated