This explain many things to you , some people would be scared of UV map of some of my products , because the think that the product have no UV map , and all this because of reflection , I am not so sure about Reflection of Autodesk soft wares , but in Reallusion Iclone the reflection does not linked to the UV map , there is just specular map to make the reflection or specular appears in the places in white , but when you take reflection and just put it on the model , it will look like it is drawn on all the model , but this does not mean that there is no UV map , becuase if there is no UV map , then how would the words Creative Universe , and the black gabs and even the window of the ship appears !? They are all textures and belong to UV map .
I am now here for work and I have some new ideas for space ships , and this is one of them , but there are more coming , which mean it is hard to turn from creating space ships to other products , even after changing the key words score .