2020-08-15 03:55:48 UTCpagoeja
everyone knows PSK / PSA is unreal engine tru format IMPORT/EXPORT PSK/PSA[unreal engine 1 thru 5]: https://www.gildor.org/projects/unactorx
i've got psk/psa for the entirety of fortnite, so it can be done...i beg one of you to try it out for once. can you do it?
seriously i'll make it easy on you, you don't have to rig anything to it, just name bones and make one idle animation.
i'll add my own thrusters and effect layers. i just need the model format changed and it rigged to one anim. so i can IMPORT IT by hand via script.
the poly count is amazingly small, for such a highly detailed render. PLEASE MAN YOU GOTTA DO THIS FOR THE BLUE TEAM, PLEASE YOU JUST GOTTA
i'll pay 100 bucks if you can make a DECENT PSK/PSA skeletal mesh with one idle anim, and named bones, i'll rig my own thrusters as i said. i'm familiar with modular mesh scripting. :P