Battlestar Galactica Nova Class

Battlestar Galactica Nova Class 3D model


I like Battlestar Galactica (1978).I created this model for my fan movie.This model is not a reproduction of a movie prop. So, this has been subjected to many renovations by me.There is no ship name in the texture of this model.You can create your favorite ship name using the included .PSD file and font.

IMPORTANT: This model is probably not suitable for 3D printing. If you can not load this model correctly, try using Blender 2.8.not included Colonial shuttle


22 may 2018 - V1.1 fix UVmap. add OBJ format model.

30 Jun 2018 - V1.2 fix UVmap.

rendering sample movie >

randysmini592024-06-08 14:58:44 UTC
Hello. Could I have this printed at 30"? Would the detail hold up? Thank you.
jujuvenile2024-06-09 22:52:50 UTC
I made this model without any consideration that it would be used for 3D printing, so I cannot vouch for its quality.
seegsons2023-04-30 15:12:29 UTC
looks great THANKS!!!
mikegross56912021-11-26 10:54:47 UTC
Nice model jujuvenile, Hope to see the rest of the original series, and a really nice blood & chrome Cylon raider ;) Cheers Mate!
The3DModelMaker2021-08-14 21:52:31 UTC
jujuvenile2021-08-15 01:57:47 UTC
gogger3d2020-11-15 09:18:45 UTC
Very, very nicely done! Thanks for an excellent model!
jujuvenile2020-11-15 10:53:38 UTC
Thank you, Thank you!
Item rating
26 0
alt1701a2024-10-20 22:28:58 UTC
furminat2024-08-19 18:42:02 UTC
Insanely detailed, and yet a very "clean" mesh. The .OBJ version imported into PoserPro 2014 without any issue and no groups of polygons (at least not a collection large enough to readily see) had that funky, inverted darkened appearance of corrupted "n-gons". I've seen comparably complex meshes sold for a hundred dollars or more and this one goes for a paltry 15 clams, list. While on sale, I got it for less than 10, wow! The maker has stated Galactica is their favorite pop sci-fi property, but I would love to see them attempt the "Lightship Altares" from a lesser known Gerry Anderson production, "The Day After Tomorrow, Into Infinity", a quasi educational special intended as a "backdoor" pilot for a new series (that sadly, was never picked up). I just know they would do that spaceship justice!
sproxar2024-04-09 00:16:02 UTC
This is a great model, with lots of detail, including some hidden parts in the hangar bays that you'll need to hide the doors to see. A few notes though: 1. The polygon and vertex counts are quite a bit higher than shown in the stats. Actual polys: 3,371,781. Actual verts: 4,635,395. 2. I couldn't get the FBX file to import into 3ds Max, and the OBJ file for the hull couldn't find the associated materials. To get them to import, either rename the "Nova_Hull.mtl" file to "Nova_Hulla.mtl", or change line 3 of the "Nova_Hull.obj" file from "mtllib Nova_Hulla.mtl" to "mtllib Nova_Hull.mtl". Don't know why this was screwed up, but the fix was at least fairly simple once I figured it out.
enno-5eaa9d2023-10-31 08:03:08 UTC
Very detailed and very easy to import in Blender. Looks great for me as a fan of the series. Thank you.
rishkhaa2023-09-07 08:14:43 UTC
The model is absolutely outstanding! It has a ton of details, materials and even textures. Purists beware, though: The modeler has taken quite a few liberties with the greebles. The 3d mesh is not an 1:1 replica of the studio model. That being said, it is really breathtaking. I personally am a huge fan of the original model, but I like the additions made. Like missile silos and 2 turbolasers - and turrets everywhere! This explains much better where all the missiles and defense fire come from, as the movies/series is quite vague ^^ And for the purists it's a really really great base to start remodeling from.
Battlestar Galactica Nova Class
Editorial No Ai License 
Battlestar Galactica Nova Class
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 89% in 4.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX 7.4 binary (.fbx)227 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)454 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-04-12
  • Model ID#882309
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 1,800,000
  • Vertices 2,000,000
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing