This product is for Architectural 3D rendering and Gaming.
There is two mesh with two material and a setup for animation.
One mesh and its material is for the surface of the planet, the other for the atmosphere.
The texture is in good quality (4096p x 2048p) provided with the environment map (Milky Way Voie Lactée in french).
There is in the setup a controler for the rotation of the planet and an hide for its obliquity.
Setup is animated with a loop rotation at 360° of the planet
Made in proportion at a scale of 1/2000000000 (size of the mesh : 0,12).
Metric in centimenters.
Can be easily modify and integrated in an other setup
LET a COMMENT and a RATE the product. THANKS !
Software : 3Dsmax 2017. Renderer : VRay.
/!\ The scene contains the object and the environement map. Not the studio with vray light and camera.