1)Scifi teleportation door used to transfer from one place to another.2)It is one of the common scifi doors which is been using for all the animation movies and star war games.3)the scifi doors were being built for the space missions to exchange the alliens from one world to another.4)these doors are still goosebumps for people to exist in real lifes to see the different world arround in this universe.5)3d modelling done with the help of blender 2.81 softwares.6)There are about 100,809 faces and and 106,904 vertices pointes for this whole model.7)This 3D model consist of minimum number of textures and i have completely added different light settings.8)The rendering done with in EVEE mode so it wont look that much realistic,but it can done with CYCLE mode too.9)Textures are assigned to this model with the help of SUBSTANCE PAINTER,but not tat much effective in the way i given to it.10)This complete model consist of UV UNWRAPPING and so easly the textures can be wrapped and positioned to it UV's.