This product is for Architectural 3D rendering and Gaming.
There is three mesh with their material and a setup for animation.
One mesh and its material is for the surface of the planet, the second for the cloud, the last for the atmosphere.
The texture is in very good quality (16200p x 8100p) with a complex VRAYBlend Shader (ground/sea and day/light) . There is also an other map (8K) slightly different and an other file with an animated cloud. Provided with the environment map (Milky Way Voie Lactée in french).
There is in the setup a controler for the rotation of the planet and an hide for its obliquity.
Setup is animated with a loop rotation at 360° of the planet
Made in proportion at a scale of 1/2000000000 (size of the mesh : 0,638x0,636).
Metric in centimenters.
Can be easily modify and integrated in an other setup
LET a COMMENT and a RATE the product. THANKS !
Software : 3Dsmax 2017. Renderer : VRay.
/!\ The scene contains the object and the environement map. Not the studio with vray light and camera.