ANIMATED beautiful solar system 3d model.This is a upgrade of my previous 3d model.All planet are textured and i provided each texture in zip format file.In bonus i provided a rotating moon also.All planet are available in this model textured in realistic type.Mostly planet are textured in 8k.I use nodes for making this realistic in blender.This model rendered in cycle and Eevee both engine in blender 3.2 .NOTE: 1.I provide kuiper belt with the help of geo nodes u can adjust quantity and sizes with geo nodes easily.2.I provide path for all planets.3.You can desable and enable kuiper belt and path of planet in blender setting.
IF you just want download this setup only without any texture then its also available in my collection.You can download in low cost.And also u can download solar system without kuiper belt in my collection in low cost.
All Model Formats : ONLY BLENDER