This is a highly detailed model of the DarthVader's Lightsaber created in Blender 2.81 . All pieces and interior are included in the set, this model do not need textures, all details were made by modeling and simple materials. There is 3 files included:
#1 - LIGHTSABER rendering EEVEE.blend - This file contains the lightsaber seted for eevee rendering. This file contais too an object called Cube seted to subtract the exterior, so, moving that you can see or not the saber's interior.
#2 - LIGHTSABER building animatiob EEVEE.blend - This file contais an animation of the lightsaber being assembled.
#3 - LIGHTSABER rendering CYCLES.blend - This file contais the lightsaber seted for cyles rendering. As the first file, this also contains the Cube, unfortunately I couldn't configure the compositing nodes, so the effects you see in the pictures were added by an image software.
Note: the file HDRI.rar contains the picture used for Environment Texture.
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