In the near future there is a very good chance we might start to colonize space and start building actual space stations. However, lifting everything out of earth’s gravity is extremely costly and fuel consuming. Sooner or later, we will have to start producing building materials in space itself.
One of the best places mining sources will be our asteroids. On top of being plenty full they can be easily melted by using mirrors to reflect sunlight or by using nuclear energy. Even although volatile substances like water and ammonia will be lost this way, its crude simplicity means it might be one of the first and fastest ways to make building in space itself cost effective.
Melted asteroid material can be used as crude ceramic material to build structures, or its elements can be separated out by centrifugal force to separate it into pure materials like iron, copper, aluminum, gold and silica
In order to represent multiple stages of the melting process, 6 different asteroid textures are in in this model. By transitioning one texture over in the next one can not only use these textures for still images but also to make animated scenes where the asteroid slowly heats up.
Technical 3d model information
6 different texture for asteroid in different melting stages Render ready for both Eevee and cyclesQuads only for optimal performance