This package includes folders and files: Prefab folder: There is 1 prefab of Particle System called Healing. Sprite folder: There is 4 sprite inside this folder called Circle, Glow, NewLine, Plus_Plus. Material: There is 4 material inside this folder called CircleMat, GlowMat, LineMat, PlusPlusMat.
Texture Plus_Plus resolution if 128x128.Texture Circle resolution if 2000x2000.Texture NewLine resolution if 128x256.Texture Glow resolution if 100x100.
Please dont move files from this folders! If you move they can not work correctly.
Btw you can easily change color of alpha channel for visiblity if you want to.
You can hire me! i'm looking for a job right now! Just e-mail me or Discord - Alexander#5222
Created with Unity version: 2019.4.13f1