For Anime - Star Sparkle - Fancy and Classic

For Anime - Star Sparkle - Fancy and Classic 3D model


Hey all!

In this package, we have two brand new effects for your anime/cartoon animations:_** - For Anime - Star Sparkle - Fancy

  • For Anime - Star Sparkle - Classic**_

Star Sparkle - Fancy

It's just that - a much more modern approach to film making when you have so many digital tools at your disposal, that you don't have to draw or special-light-table everything. No, you can just generate them spots and make 'em glare! Of course, an oversimplification, but it emphasizes why this task would be handed over to the computer in the first place!

_ - Beautifully animated stars that glint in and out

  • Various color controls, from various, to hue and saturation
  • Scale setting
  • Animation controls (speed control and offset)
  • Clarity Mask - an INCREDIBLE addition to the effect, which means you can read your objects/characters easier, because the stars don't cloud their face in any way. Can easily be turned off for objects you want to absolutely cover with stars.
  • Sparkle only output, for if you want to process it in Blender, for work in other software
  • Softness and glow controls for those surreal, romantic, idealistic, etc. vibes
  • BONUS - Basic normal based outline setup included
  • BONUS - Wired like a circuitboard for easy navigation_


  • For a Full Screen Star Sparkle, remember to turn off the clarity mask if you have no input mask

Star Sparkle - ClassicNow this is a novelty and my personal fav!! Before computers made this sort of thing easier, the sparkles were drawn by hand, and oh, were they pretty! Especially when combined with a soft glow and that is where this nodegroup comes in!

_ - Limited scaling (scales up to 2x larger stars - generation of the stars is procedural)

  • Fully animated stars that morph in and out
  • Color controls for the stars and the outlines (can receive textures)
  • Animation controls (speed control and offset)
  • Softness and glow controls for those surreal, romantic, idealistic, etc. vibes.
  • Sparkle only Output for, if you just want to process it in Blender, work in other software
  • BONUS - Basic normal based, colorized, outline setup included
  • BONUS - Wired like a circuitboard for easy navigation_

This is an incredible package that has been an absolute joy to put together for you guys! If you're not sure whether you wanna buy the full set just yet, go give the demo a whirl!

Free Basic version (Modern):

When you're ready to go big and go classic, this full package will be linked in the description of the basic version!

#pantherdynamics #anime #classic #fancy #stars #fancy #sparkle #starsparkle #animewow #wow #pretty #technicolor #blender #cycles #eevee #engine #netflix #studiobones #TezukaProductions #nodegroups #postprocessing #fixitinpost

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For Anime - Star Sparkle - Fancy and Classic
Royalty Free License 
For Anime - Star Sparkle - Fancy and Classic
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 2.2h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
Post Production

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend) (2 files)2.68 MBVersion: 2.93Renderer: Eevee 2.93Version: 2.93Renderer: Eevee 2.93

    3D Model details

    • Ready for 3D Printing
    • Animated
    • Rigged
    • VR / AR / Low-poly
    • PBR
    • Geometry -
    • Polygons 0
    • Vertices 0
    • Textures
    • Materials
    • UV Mapping
    • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
    • Plugins used
    • Publish date2021-12-14
    • Model ID#3447643