This plugin is designed to reduce «Monkey labor». Artists who make an average of 5-10 models per day, they know very well what is text formatting for folders, files and preparing folders for a project. To put an end to this and not do this annoying work, I decided to write this plugin and automate this process :D
All that is required from the Artist is simply to copy the text, yes, just copy, the plug-in will automatically insert the text you copied into the Project name field at startup.
All the settings that you set will be automatically saved, and the next time you start the plugin, you will not have to set the settings again.
This plugin is also suitable for Artists who are just too lazy to form a branch of their project :D
This plugin is made for the 2020 version of max, if you are interested in this plugin for other versions, write. I am building this plugin for your version.
The plugin has been tested and optimized as much as possible, and despite the fact that Max likes to collect garbage in RAM and not only, these points have been taken into account and fixed. This plugin will not pose a 3ds Max of problems.
So don't worry, I know what it is. I signed up for many plugins, I won't point a finger, but Max just went crazy and it was impossible to work.