WAVE GENget** 60%OFF** at https://artstn.co/m/qlnLe
with this geo nodes and mainly shader nodes based procedural system you can EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY create wave cycles and the materials are updated as well.
works on both EEVEE and CYCLES , it is computationally much less expensive and free .no simulation nodes were used , basic SHM math and shader nodes
this contains :
WAVE GEN : this geo nodes modifier has control over ,The procedural material has many inputs for precise changes of wave SHAPE , STYLE , and different passesthe controls are shown in the video and preview image
1.SIMPLE : a classic realistic ocean shader2.TOON : a 90s anime aesthetic water shader3.BLOOD: a sea of red4.LAVA: the floor is lava
you can ADD as many additional waves as you can , just be sure to input same values in geo nodes and shader nodes , only the first wave is automatically connected to geo node modifier input , the rest can be easily changed as shown in the videonew waves work perfectly with others and with new additional waves you can add more realism to your beach scene
(made in blender 3.0 and should work on higher versions as no simulation nodes or complex nodes were used)