nicely done !!!
*Making an epic science-fiction scene for a concept art piece or scene for that VFX or high poly for game shot?MEGA_ELECTRIC/ *
Thanks for your purchase!
The Product includes:
High Poly_Back Up (3Ds Max...) (retain all the commands I used to model)
High Poly_No SUBD (3Ds Max, FBX, OBJ...)(block out and topology after completion)
High Poly_SUBD (3Ds Max, FBX, OBJ...)(Final used for baking)
Nong Sung_moi3D_Export(moi3D...)
Render preview
//note: Available to use any Commercial or Noncomercial use!//
*quick tip add approximation less than 3,
1 or 2 is enough to get smooth surface.
Thanks for supporting me! More kitbashes will comesoon!