High quality static model of Reusable medical mask. Photorealistic materials. The lightweight model is now ready for smoothing. There are controllers for fitting the size of the model to the shape of the character's head. The length of the loops behind the ears, the width of the mask, the position of the chin and nose are adjustable.
3 color options: black, gray and red.
-all details made resetXform-all details with unwrapping-all materials are baked in textures-Material library added to archive. Render engine V-ray 4.3-Software 3ds max 2018
No visible brands. Convenient for commercial projects.
Еextures are attached in the archive:Difuse – 4096х4096Reflect - 4096х4096ReflectGlossiness - 4096х4096NormalBump - 4096х4096
The archive contains files of universal formats for import:.FBX.OBJ