Scientifically accurate red blood cells (erythrocytes) in different sizes and shapes
In normal conditions red blood cells (erythrocytes) are present in different sizes and diameters: normal erythrocytes (diameter between 7 and 8 micrometers), microcytes (diamater less than 7 micrometers) and macrocytes (diamter more than 9 micrometers). This is a collection of shape and size variations of 12 normocytes, 6 macrocytes and 6 microcytes. The shaders replicate experimental optical properties of Red Blood Cells (PBR shading). The models are optimized for Blender's Cycles.The .blend file is read to be used for medical purposes and art, while the STL / OBJ files are perfect for any other kind of simulation.
File formats: .blend / .STL / .OBJ + .MTL