Easy to use assets to place the player somewhere inside a living organism.Includes 2 project zip files for Unreal 4.19-4.27 and 5.0-5.1.
16 static meshes 4 master materials / 10 instances13 textures5 blueprints2 particle fx 1 map (as seen on video)1 level sequenceAdjustable colors
8 tunnel meshes (straight, crooked , corners, rooms, crossing) (1600-23k vertices)6 meshes for scattering biomass (66-4k vertices)1 brain / 1 red cell (300/182 vertices)Collisions: tunnels (using complex as simple, other generated in engine)2 uv channelsLods: tunnels 3 other 1scaled to epic mannequin = straight tunnel meshes heights about 10m
1x To spawn red cells along spline and move them along spline1x To spawn red cells in area - > cells loop dropping on ground and rising in air1x to rotate brains2x used inside first 2 blueprints
1 floating dust particles1 background neural network-kinda-fx
Uses dynamic lighting
Tested with windows 64