**Note that: The video animation is a rendered and composited version. a clean render will look like the pictures.
119 key frames of loopable cycle animation.Duplicate key frames for longer animation.
Control Turbosmooth levels as needed.
All layers + objects are organized and named correctly.
Made with 3ds Max 2018.Render engine: Vray Adv 3.6
The native file includes:2 Vray Lights.Vray Materials.SSS Materials.No GI used for renders.
The presented pictures are from the native file.
For FBX format - Please keep in mind to:
Use PAL 25fps frame rate.
For animation - you will need to put the attached Point Caches files on each model (6 PC's in total). That's beacause most models in the scene are animated with vertex animation, and that cannot be eported to fbx.only the 'Alveolis' models doesn'e need PC.
You will need to add smooth to the models.
The original renders are from 3ds max vray with SSS materials - there for they have been converted to standart materials. there is a MAT file attached as well. Be aware that the materials are not 100% similar to the native 3ds max scene.
OBJ format: Has no animation !!
Best of luck.