This 3D model is a set of the bones of the human hip, which was obtained directly from ct-data (DICOM from computer tomograph).
The human hip bone 3D model set consists of:
✓ pelvic bones (surface model)
✓ sacrum (surface mode)
✓ femur right* (surface mode)
✓ femur left* (surface mode)
as well as the following 3D models:
✓ pelvic bones (voxel model)
✓ sacrum (voxel model)
✓ femur right* (voxel model)
✓ femur left* (voxel model)
(*) upper parts of the femurs, see pictures
You get each of the four human hip bone 3D models as a surface model and as an unprocessed voxel model. This allows you to use the data individually. The voxel model is the raw volumetric output of the segmentation process of the bones out of the DICOM file.
The segmentation of the ct-data of the human hip bones is done manually so that no artifacts are created by an automatic system and the highest possible quality can be ensured.The individual on whom the anatomical 3D models are based on is a man 75 years old at the time of the scan.
Technical specifications
The ct-scan of the human hip bones was carried out with a slice thickness of 2.5 mm. The pixel spacing is 0.781250mm in the x and y direction.The resolution is 512 pixels in the x and y directions.The scan was performed using a GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS Discovery CT750 HD CT scanner.
✓ Alembic (.abc)
✓ Collada (.dae)
✓ FBX (.fbx)
✓ Wavefront (.obj, .mtl)
✓ STL (.stl)
✓ X3D Extensible 3D (.x3d)
For more informations please visit
For more informations about the pelvis, please visit
For more informations about the sacrum, please visit
For more informations about the femur head, please visit
For more informations about computertomography please visit
License informations for the preview images can be found in the licensetext of the product.