CyberPunk Laboratory / Research Center Interior Kitbash Set with over 100 unique meshes you will be able to create your own Cyberpunk Interior Environments , AAA quality and easy to use assets , 2 spline blueprints for arraging cables shapes and more features , The product has beed created as a Part of Leartes Cyberpunk Serie and it works well with Our Cyberpunk Apartement interior set as well as our Upcoming Retro Cyberpunk Megapack , get it and start your Cyberpunk Journey.
Showcase Video :
AAA QualityEasy To use AssetsIncludes Showcase Map2 Spline BlueprintsVideos in ScreensComplete Interior EnvironmentOptimized and GameReady
Number of Unique Meshes: 106
Number of BluePrints: 2
Collision: Yes Automatic Created Collusions
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 75
Number of Textures: 224
Texture Resolutions: 1K and 2K
Supported Versions : 4.21 , 4.22 , 4.23 , 4.24+