Ammonia molecule - 3D CG model - 3D print model
Ammonia (NH3) contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to food and fertilizers. (see Contact me if you want an other molecule.
Ammonia molecule - 3 types of representation : -100% Van Der Waals radius; -75% Van Der Waals radius; -25% Van Der Walls radius.
Each representation has 3 levels of detail : -HighPoly (100 - 150k tris); -IntermediatePoly (10 - 20k); -LowPoly (1 - 2k).
All models are clean and 3D printing ready.
Texture file : albedo.png 64x64px. You can easily change atom's color.
This pack contains :
.3ds .dae (collada) .fbx .obj .ply .x3d .stl