Shale Shaker
The 3D model was created on real base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original.
Shale shakers are components of drilling equipment used in many industries, such as coal cleaning, mining, oil and gas drilling. They are the first phase of a solids control system on a drilling rig, and are used to remove large solids (cuttings) from the drilling fluid (Mud).
Included Formats: - *.STL File. - *.OBJ File. - *.ZPR File. - *.3DS File. (2017) - *.SKP File. (2017)
The model is provided combined, all main parts are presented as separate parts therefore materials of objects are easy to be modified or removed and standard parts are easy to be replaced. If you experience difficulties with separating standard parts or any other issues, I am more than happy to give you qualified assistance.