Ribcage ribs and rib cage

Ribcage ribs and rib cage 3D print model


These are 3D print ready files of the ribcage and spine. No non-manifolds. The models are created with blender and the level of detail has been created with the intention of 3D printing in mind.

The models are solid, and the scale can be easily modified to suit your printing needs.

If the scaling is too small in your slicer when you open the file, just go to the scaling and change the 100% to 1000%, so it scales it up 10 fold. For some reason some slicers don't understand the scale correctly that has been created with blender.

The scale of the unified ribcage/spine model is: X75mm Y52.7mm Z150mm

You can print the model as a solid piece, or in parts. The ribs have concave slots that conform to the spine at the corresponding level.

The dimension are now set that one can print the unified model in upright position with an Anycubic photon S printer, which is the one I use most.

Included files are:

  • Unified ribcage and spine
  • Ribcage
  • Spine
  • 11th rib (left and right)
  • 12th rib (left and right)
gigi222020-06-05 14:00:47 UTC
nicely done !!!
Pirkka2020-06-09 05:40:18 UTC
Thank you very much! Much appreciated.
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bentanweihao2024-05-22 10:49:35 UTC
Ribcage ribs and rib cage
Royalty Free License 
Ribcage ribs and rib cage
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)144 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-01-04
  • Model ID#2220418
  • Ready for 3D Printing