Red Blood Cells animation with 3ds Max 2011 & Particle Flow.
*** Red blood cells animation & interior background.
*** The procedural maps and materials only in 3ds Max version.
*** Scanline render.
*** After Effects CS5 project of color correction included.
*** (obj geometry no textures, no materials, only materials in 3ds max project.)
*The color correction of sample video preview is very similar to after effects project of color correction included.
*The animation includes the movement of cells and the movement of the bottom surface. Also included are micro particles in the background.
*The camera does not have animation. The camera is static. You can animate to your liking.
Watch video of camera static in preview 3ds max viewport capture:
*You may increase or decrease the amount of cells by simply changing the number of particles in the graph ParticleFlow. As also the speed and flow of the same.
this model is used on this renders.