Neurons-fly-through neuron light

Neurons-fly-through neuron light 3D model


Neurons-fly-through visualization package:

This package contains an animated 3ds max project and accompanying After effects project files. The 3ds max file contains a large neural network environment and includes animated omni-lights to simulate neural synapses (see Vimeovideo on top). It also includes an environment map and library of shaders to make different kinds of render outputs possible.

The project file is setup with all necessary render elements, output formats and directory inputs. The render elements are combined in an After Effects project file (included and setup).

Note: For sake of data amount the render elements are not included in this package but the fist frames of every pass are, so one can use the After Effects file to see the result and fiddle around with variables. In this way one can determine which passes he wants to use to get his desired result and needs only those passes rendered out.

This combination provides a complete setup to create different kinds of animations and looks. (camera in 3ds max file is animated over a nurbs curve which can be altered easily) It is no problem to add secondary animation ore objects (for instance like nanobots,virus, etc.) You can simulate electron microscopy effects, Jelly like shading, or something out of this world.(see example renders on top) The After Effects files provides additional options to alter the look of the project. For instance, one can change lighting and shading conditions in near real-time, including refraction and reflections. This is done through a plug-in which is able to make use of Zbuffer and normal information to perform shading functions inside After Effects. The plugin is called Normality and is developed by Stefan Minning. You can download the After Effects plugin for free on his website.(

All techniques and explanation on how to work with this project are described in a detailed PDF guide included in this package.

Also delivered with this package is an 11 seconds Full HD output Quicktime movie,low compression for maximum quality (see Vimeo sample). The animation begins in the middle of traveling through a neural network and stops by entering a neuron. It can be used as an in-between for interior visualization of a neuron.

Ps. you need to have Frischluft Lenscare, Video copilot Optical flares, Normality and Magic bullet Looks (After Effects plugins) to make the After Effects files work. Al web links to plugins are included in the PDF guide.

Feel free to ask additional questions should you have any, (click the small envelope icon next to the Author name or enter his profile and use the green contact button on the left).

Have fun,

nettavkinn2023-07-30 09:44:20 UTC
Scorpius3dFarm2020-11-29 10:59:17 UTC
pronoia2019-08-06 16:55:43 UTC
Great !!!
lancelot382019-04-30 06:59:29 UTC
popokiki2019-04-02 15:53:21 UTC
Item rating
1 0
zkyscraper2016-01-08 15:10:18 UTC
Neurons-fly-through neuron light
Custom License 
Neurons-fly-through neuron light
Custom License 
Response 96% in 2.8h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)655 MBVersion: undefinedRenderer: V-Ray
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)655 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)655 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2014-02-21
  • Model ID#54561
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Subdivision ready
  • Polygons 4,800
  • Vertices 4,200
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing