Game and Cinematics Ready
3 Tinder laetiporus sulphureus fungus model
6000-13000 triangles for one mashroom
HP models included
Photo scanned PBR Textures at 4096 pixels: Base Color (diffuse), Normal, Roughness, Specular, Ambient Occlusion (AO), Displacement.
Real scale
Laetiporus sulphureus is a species of bracket fungus (fungi that grow on trees) found in Europe and North America.
Its common names are crab of the-woods, sulphur polypore, sulphur shelf, and chicken of the woods.
Its fruit bodies grow as striking golden-yellow shelf like structures on tree trunks and branches.
A wood-destroying parasite mushroom that infects poplar, oak, willow, linden, birch, cedar, pine, maple, walnut, chestnut, fruit trees, larch, less often spruce and other types of trees.
Edible (if they growing on a deciduous tree) in any coolinary form after heat treatment, reminiscent of chicken to taste.