Nice work..!
Seamless 4K material of gray wet mud with small holes and marks from boots and wheels.
Suitable for far and near shots.
The actual size is ~3x3 meters.
Highly detailed PBR material with 4096x4096px seamless textures:
JPG Diffuse, Normals, Specular, AmbientOcclusion, Displacement (EXR 32-bit)
The .max file contains a tuned Vray (Corona) material on a 10x10m wavy surface with a displacement height of ~8 centimeters.
faces: 4096
system units: centimeters
*to maintain correct dimensions when importing from FBX for MAX 2016 and below, import FBX via the File/Import menu
*vray 4 and later, corona 7 and later