This download includes the STL scan of a Suzuki Hayabusa Gen 2 head casting only. It also includes a basic reverse engineered STEP file from the surfaces that were visible in the scans.
This CAD data is offered at a price reflecting the cost of the time invested in scanning, processing and re-drawing the head. All funds go towards the development of the V8 Hayabusa Hillclimb Car that you can find out more about on Instagram: www.instagram.com/motorsport_engineering
This scan is taken from an off-the-shelf component and cannot be guaranteed for accuracy other than the 0.1-0.5mm accuracy of the scanning equipment and the reverse engineering process. These files are intended for research purposes only. No liability can be taken for the accuracy of the files provided in this package.
No claim is made over the IP of the contents of the scan, which remain the IP of Suzuki. All scan data is generated from readily available components in the market and not subject to any form of non-disclosure.