I was watching Youtube yesterday , and I tried to watch a gameplay for a game that I can not get to play , and I found a game named Prey for the gods it like some other game named The shadow of the colossus and the game is some unknown character who have some techs and weapons to kill massive giant fantasy creatures , and I watched it and it was cool , and the player killed five giants and then a message appeared says .
I tried to find any videos contains a game play for the full game but I did not find it lthough the game released in 2017 but it is not finished until now , so today I finished the game named Nox , with the last character and I played MK shaolin monks of course , with the dumbest system ever that it is not a game , it is a mistakes try to be a game , and thanks to this foolish you have to lose many times so I stopped playing of course .
What makes me want to play is the visual feeding then I opened my browser and Youtube to search for visual feeding and I found a rigging video for blender software , but I do not use blender , so I tried to search any thing for Max , but while I was the start of the video I felt that I can not wait to work so I created some things may be good for the christmas time and many things also , and it is a collection of fantasy snow flakes .
Althoug they are only four and so little , they are not so cheap because they takes much efforts to create .
The 3d is good , it is better than playing fool games , watching fool youtubers , connecting with stupid people , connecting with fake friends and getting bored of corse .