A small damaged base of a Greek column. Perfect for any kind of Greek inspired garden or any other kind of ancient side.
Main Features:8k TexturesPBR readyGame-readyHigh-poly Scan meshAccurate Sizes
The model contains 3 meshes as well as 3 texture-packs.
Meshes:Highpoly-scanned-mesh (HP)Base-game-ready-mesh (Base)LOD-game-ready-mesh (LOD)
Texturepacks:HQ_Textures.zip (8k Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, Roughness for Base; Same textures in 1k for LOD)GQ_Textures.zip (2k Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, Roughness for Base; Same textures in 256x256 for LOD)HP_Textures.zip (8k Diffuse, Normal, Roughness for HP)
The polycounts are (in verts):
HP: 187,602Base: 773LOD: 443
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you are interested in my working process, please visit " http://siebencorgie.jimdo.com/start/work-behind-a-model/ "
thank you!