The road of repeating segments with a seamless texture. You can change the shape and direction of the segment as desired with Path Deform, Bend, FFD (Box) modifiers, Railclone plugin, etc.The width of the sidewalk is 5.7 meters (2.5m area without heaps), length - 8 meters.High resolution textures:Diffuse-8192 * 4096px;Displacement (32-bit EXR), normal, specular, ambient occlusion - 4096 * 2048 pixels.
Vray 3.0, Blinn reflections, VrayBlend, Vray transuncency (disable trace refraction to speed up rendering), VrayFlakes, VrayDisplacementsMod and VrayNormalMap (switches them for near / far frames).Corona 1.6, CoronaDasplacement Mod, CoronaNormal.2816 polygons per segment.
FBXand OBJ files do not contain DisplacementMod.