A big cubic stone. Perfect for any openworld environment like gardens, open fields, rocky mountains, rough grass-lands and so on. The model comes as 3D scan, as well as optimized low-poly model for games (one LOD included). This makes 3 models with each 3-4 textures. More info below.
Technical Information:
Features: 8k Textures PBR ready Game-ready High-poly Scan mesh Accurate Sizes of the mesh Closed bottom
Meshes: Highpoly-scanned-mesh (HP) Base-game-ready-mesh (Base) LOD-game-ready-mesh (LOD)
Texturepacks: HQ_Textures.zip (8k Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, Roughness for Base; Same textures in 1k for LOD) GQ_Textures.zip (2k Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, Roughness for Base; Same textures in 256x256 for LOD) HP_Textures.zip (8k Diffuse, Normal, Roughness for HP)
The polycounts are (in verts):
HP: 920.637 Base: 752 LOD: 377
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you are interested in my working process, please visit http://siebencorgie.jimdo.com/start/work-behind-a-model/
thank you!