obj file..all branches were stuck together in a lump..couldnt load them into chitubox individually but seller was awesome and all is fixed. Happy days
Note: Images are rendered in real-time with UE4.
The yellow thing we see on these branches are actually yellow lichens that are also called Xanthoria parietina. Its color may vary from yellow to orange or even grey-green and lichens are not harmful for the tree they grow on. Albedo texture is properly color corrected to reflect its real colors as close as possible.
Included Textures:
Meshes are scaled to their real size.
Uses only 1 material.
Occlusion, Roughness and Displacement maps are assigned to R-G-B channel of one texture. They are also individually included.
4 LOD's and High Poly Mesh Included
Texture Sizes: 4096x4096
Vertex Count: 346-4821
Triangle Count: 558-9032