Skull of a small animal about 10cm in length, most likely rodent of some sort. Comes from north / east Europ. Old and dusty found in an attic. Suitable for any sort of horror settings and rituals in illustrations, animation or film. Could be used for scientific or zoology applications as well.
Auto retopo in instantmeshes to 44k verts. Comes with 4k textures. High poly count is for non real time graphics (see here models for low poly version for real-time game engines)
Note: models come as separete 3D model and texture files. Included max / maya scenes have only difuse / normal maps applied. Materials are not included. Images are rendered using only provided textures. base color = diffuse color. metalness / specular / = black color - no texture. roughness = white color - no texture. Normal map = normal texture. Ambient occlusion = AO. Cavity = bump.