Product Name: Modern City Street Scene 3D Model
In This Modern City Street Scene 3D Model pack Everything you see in the pictures and videos is present in the asset, including the demo scenes. An ordinary Hong Kong street, with an infinite number of air conditioners, manholes on the roads and carts with crates.All this can be created using this asset. The modular system with individual colliders allows you to assemble the city as a constructor. After that, the streets and facades of the houses can be filled with thematic props. Some houses can be entered and ascended to the second floor. High quality pack this one.
Total Vertices: 1,463,877Total Polygons: 1,152,066
Who walks these Steampunk Streets? It’s elementary — your characters do, in the Steampunk and Sherlock Street Detective Bundle!
This Bundle is perfect for the investigator, outrageous steam-powered enthusiast, and any general Victorian inquisitor. Why, it positively dazzles with Genesis 8 Characters like Vince HD and Mark (Male) and Xion HD (Female), as well as dashing new Victorian Outfits for them with bonus textures to boot!
But the mystery doesn’t stop there — you also get the Sleuth Detective Outfit, a Mysterious Office, Curly Hair and Beard, and a Horse-Drawn Carriage that makes an image of perfection with the astounding Streets of Steampunk environment.
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data, but it’s a much graver error to deny your renders the splendor of the Steampunk and Sherlock Street Detective Bundle!
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