These models are suitable for any visual production - tv broadcast, games, film, advertising, design, archvis and concept art.
Most meshes have a poly count around 200K to keep complex surface detail but could be reduced further through decimation.
71 assets in 3D OBJ Format:
ground tiles
rough large piles
rough small piles
window and railing elements
unique elements
covered roads
smooth piles
snowballs for scatter
all UV'd
2k support maps
Displacement (2048x2048)
Ambient Occlusion (2048x2048)
Normal (2048x2048)
Scanned and hand cleaned meshes to fill the current hole in the Megascans library. Great for piecing together and combining with other techniques to cover environments in high res detailNotes:
These models can retain detail for extreme close ups with some added surface work!