MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICSDimensionsHeight: 225 cm; Width: 79 cm; Thickness: 47 cmMaterial and techniqueMaterial: basaltTechnique: round, bas-relief, engravedPLACE AND DATESDate of creation / manufacture 1st dynasty of Babylon: Hammurabi (-1792 - -1750)Place of creation / manufacture / execution Iraq = MesopotamiaDate of discovery 1901-1902Place of discovery : Susa
Exchange formats : .obj .fbx .c4d .ply .wrl .stlHigh poly and low poly with RETOPOLOGY meshTEXTURES : NORMAL, SPECULAR, DIFFUSE, DISPLACEMENT, AO (AMBIANT OCCLUSION)
The Hammurabi Code is the emblem of Mesopotamian civilization. The high basalt stele erected by the King of Babylon in the eighteenth century B.C. is a work of art, a historical and literary work and the most complete legal collection of antiquity, prior to biblical laws. Transported by a prince from the neighbouring country of Elam to Iran in the 12th century B.C. the monument was exhibited on the acropolis of Susa among other prestigious Mesopotamian masterpieces.