Ancient Pillar
This Pillar is from my last journey. I was in Cambodia and Thailand. It features the most detail possible, with every detail at the right and logic position.
Polycount (verts)
Highpolymodel 227,679Midpolymodel 2,002LOD model 252
Notice that this Article contains a Highpoly version ( Raw Scan Data), a Mid Poly version which is suitable for the base mesh in a game, as well as a LOD version for games.
All of these models have their unique Uv maps and Textures
The Highpoly model has only a Diffusetexture (4096x4096) . (There is no need for normalmaps or Displacementmaps)
The Mid Poly model and the LOD model have A
Diffuse, Normal and Displacement Texture. (Resolutions are 4096x4096 for base and 1024-512 for LODs)
There are Two Texturepacks!
The HQ_Texture Zip contains high resolution Textures of the models, the GQ_Texture Zip contains a bit more low resolution Textures, suitable for games.
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