wow. amazing detail
The model was created by scanning (photogrammetry). The actual size is 6 cm.
Model with non-overlapped UVW and highly detailed diffuse, normal, specular, displacement(16bit), refraction mask (for translucency) 4096x4096px textures. The detail is suitable for large renders.
*Vray(Corona)DisplacementMod modifier applied on the object for small details of the relief, it can be turned off for distant frames.
faces: 3.984 optimized quads
3ds max 2013, 2016
Corona 7.0, Vray 4.0
Blender Eevee (normal bump) and Cycles (bump+adaptive displacement)
*fbx 2011 (FBX format does not preserve input gamma 1.0 setting for NormalMap, adjust gamma to display materials properly)
system units: centimeters