This is a model of an office plant that can be used for mid and long distance rendersThe leaves compose the same object, with overlaping UVs to make possible the texturing. All the other ojects have non-overlaping UVs.It has a base topology of ~13200 verticesIt has 5 PBR materials, using game-ready textures:1.Bark -4k- Albedo, Ambient Occlusion, Displacement, Gloss, Reflection, Normal Map;2.Ceramic -4k- Albedo, Reflection, Roughness, Normal Map;3.Earth -4k- Albedo, Ambient Occlusion, Displacement, Gloss, Reflection, Normal Map;4.Wood -4k- Albedo, Reflection, Gloss, Normal Map;5.Leaves -2k- Albedo, Reflection, Gloss, Normal Map.The plant may contain 'floating' leaves that are not attached by any branch for vertices optimization. This is the reason I recomment it mainly for mid and long distance renders, not for close-upIt has a height of 30 cm / 11.8 inches and the blend file uses the metric system