fcalci2022-01-26 17:46:51 UTCI don't use 3ds max files and the obj exported file is very bad.
All the material is lost and textures is not mapped at all.
It's a nightmare to remap, find the right textures and materials!
Please send me a better FBX files because as it is, these models are useless!

CGBee2022-01-07 23:25:01 UTCPretty cool models, the only thing is that I had some problems with the materials and UV Mapping, I loaded the "obj" in maya and all the model was in a single default material, and then I had to assign a material for each part, some of the textures loaded streched and doesn't look exaclty the same as the render is shown. it required a little time to fix some things but at the end it looked nice for what I needed.
NOTE: I asked support from the seller and he replied quickly and tried to help me with my problem exporting the file again, etc. but it was not possible to fix it at all, and I decided to use it as is.
Thank you so much!