This is a Camelia Japonica 3D model. It's a low-poly model with standard maps for PBR/Spec-Gloss.The original is on 3dsmax 2013 with Vray materials and use Vray rendering.Several files formats are ready to use (FBX, OBJ, WRL, C4D, MAX standard materials)
This model was designed for use as renders, games, AR/VR, .This model used textures on PNG file.Map : Diffuse, Specular, Glossiness, Opacity, Normal.
|| SPECS ||
This model contains 3 separate objects.This model contains 18102 vertices and 9559 polygones.This model contain 9559 quads and 0 tris (0.0%).This model contains StdMat :0 -VrayMat :2 -MrMat :0 for Materials.The lights used are : VRaySun001 (VRaySun), VRaySun001.Target (Targetobject), .The renderer used is V_Ray_Next__update_1_2.
All preview images are rendered with V_Ray_Next__update_1_2.No Photoshop or compositing used, Product is ready to render out-of-the-box. Lights are included in the file.If you render this file using a different version of this renderer, you may not have the same results as you see on the thumbnails.
All materials used (excepted some of small details)_Diffuse_Specular_Specular level (some of them)_Glossiness_Opacity (some of them)_Normal Bump
All textures are on PNG file : 4096x4096 : (x4)2048x2048 : (x3)
Model is built to real-world scale.the Scale and Units used: 1.0 centimeters.dimensions (all geometry) are X = 91.8178 centimeters, Y = 90.7423 centimeters, Z = 163.838 centimeters.