This pack contains 81 models (including all LOD stages), 26 unique models.
Additional textures for normal, height, spec and opacity maps are included (512px). Some of the plants use the same material and textures. Most of the models include transparency/opacity data in the alpha channel of the diffuse texture. To display them right you need an alpha-test or alpha-blending material and 2-sided rendering of the foliage.
Triangles LOD / Materials:
cattail 42; 16; 4/ 1flowerplant 42; 16; 4/ 1flowerplant2 62; 24; 9/ 1flowerplant3 150; 64; 14/ 1leaflarge 204; 96; 27/ 1leafplant 544; 193; 79/ 1leafplant02 260; 119; 36/ 1leafplant03 42; 16; 8/ 1leafplant04 1,396; 580; 129/ 1leafplant05 310; 132; 41/ 1leafplant06 201; 76; 27/ 1leafplant07 1080; 442; 119/ 1leafplant08 310; 132; 41/ 1leafplant09 756; 271; 72/ 1leafplant10 1,876; 744; 272/ 1leafplant11 244; 86; 47/ 1leafplant12 1,390; 547; 165/ 1lillymass 1,640; 552; 4/ 2lillypad1_6_1 408; 183; 45/ 1Lillypad1_6_2 48; 22; 7/ 1lillypad1_6_3 48; 28; 9/ 1lillypad1_6_4 372; 151; 39/ 1lillypad1_6_5 504; 177; 39/ 1watertree_bark1 690; 396; 143/ 1watertree_leaves1 871; 310; 116/ 2weedwater 172; 63; 21/ 1