59 Vegetation models (23 unique): 16 trees + 2 LOD stages per tree, 6 very low poly bushes, 5 plant models.Textures up to 1024*1024 px size in TGA and PNG format (including height, spec and normalmaps), ready to use in your 3D work.Each tree have around 1000 triangles. LOD 1 is about 2-300 triangles and it is very high quality, so you can use them like separate models, for example they are perfect for RTS game. LOD 2 have only 4 triangles and it is made from 2 biliboards.
Torque READY: DTS format contains colision model and 2 LOD stages INSIDE each tree model, which is correct way for using LODs in Torque engine!
Triangles/LOD 1/LOD 2/Materials:
balm 796/272/ 4/ 2birch 782/ 276/ 4/ 2cherry 626/ 228/ 4/ 2giantWood_hi 1,018/ 336/ 4/ 2gim 850/ 320/ 4/ 2green1_hi 768/ 292/ 4/ 2green2 944/ 274/ 4/ 2magn_hi 782/ 276/ 4/ 2maple_hi 2,190/ 334/ 4/ 2oak_01 970/ 270/ 4/ 2oak_2 1,076/ 4/ -/ 2old_tree2_hi 545/ 208/ 4/ 2old_tree1_hi 453/ 208/ 4/ 2pagoda 964/ 328/ 4/ 2weep 930/ 302/ 4/ 2yeg 978/ 300/ 4/ 2balmBush 42/ -/ -/ 1giantBush 48/ -/ -/ 1gimBush 48/ -/ -/ 1oldBush 48/ -/ -/ 1weepBush 72/ -/ -/ 1yegBush 48/ -/ -/ 1bush2 110/ -/ -/ 1grass 8/ -/ -/ 1plant2 166/ -/ -/ 1plant2a 166/ -/ -/ 1plant1 144/ -/ -/ 1