From interior to exterior render Vegetation are the last bit that turn a dead place into a living one.Trees Are everywhere and can easily increase realism in any CG project.While it is nowadays easy to find some nice premade assets for blender and cycles or Eevee , thoses making the jump to external blender render solution like Luxcore may found themselves in a pretty scary place.Because we believe Opensource is all about freedom and that artists should not be restricted we made the Jump.We are glad to share with you the first Luxcore compatible Trees and vegetation 3D model pack that will speed up your next Blender Luxcore Project.LOL Tropical Trees & Vegetation is a Giga pack of 56 trees and 14 differents popular tropical species. Each trees is made of particles leaves system so it gonna be light on your project .From Palm trees to the beautiful Plumeria rubra everything here is made with love. Because like us you see the potential of this free but yet powerful renderer LUXCORERENDER.And Like every Collection we made Tropical Trees & Vegetation is accessible directly inside Luxcore engine assets manager LOL ( Luxcore Online Library ).